What happens when I add a Recipient?

Recipients can be added to Starloop using their email address or their cell number, or both at the same time. So what happens when you add a recipient to Starloop?


Adding a recipient using their email address will trigger the Starloop Email Sequence.

  • This is a sequence of 3 emails (maximum)
  • The 3 emails in the sequence generally take between 5 and 10 days to complete
  • If a recipient engages with any of the emails, the sequence stops automatically
  • Also, each email has a one-click "Unsubscribe" link if recipients wish to opt-out


Adding a recipient using their cell number will trigger a single SMS message.

  • Unlike adding a recipient by email, there is no sequence or automated follow up
  • The Starloop SMS is  "one-shot" versus adding a recipient by email (which benefits from a sequence of emails.) 

Recipient Lifespan

Your recipients are held in your Starloop for 90 days. After that period they drop and can be re-added.

"Can I re-add a Recipient?"

You can re-add any given recipient once every 90 days. Once a recipient is in your Starloop, they cannot be re-added for 90 days. This is a built-in failsafe to prevent any recipient from being added to your Starloop multiple times – and receiving far too many emails and texts from your Starloop.

"Can I delete a Recipient?"

If a recipient is removed, they can be re-added. Starloop Members are not able to remove a Recipient. This is to prevent potential abuse, as re-adding a Recipient repeatedly can trigger a flood of emails and texts. If you need a recipient removed, we're happy to help. Just contact Starloop Support.

Does email or text get the most reviews?

For most organizations, adding a recipient by email and using the Starloop Email Sequence will result in more reviews. This is because with the SMS you get one chance! Compared to the Starloop Email Sequence where you get three chances to get a review. 

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