How do I upload my CSV file? (Invite Many)

When using the Invite Many feature, please upload a .CSV file. CSV stands for Comma Separated Values, a very common file format used by software all around the world. Your CSV file should adhere to the following guidelines.

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Starloop CSV file Guidelines

  • Must include a header row
  • Cannot include blank fields
  • Must contain a first name plus an email address and/or cell number
  • Cell numbers must be in International Phone Number Format (+,Country code, Area code, Phone number with no spaces in between such as +12504833823)
  • Cannot have a blank line at the end of the CSV file


Your CSV must contain a header row and all fields must be populated. Make sure there are no blank fields. Here are some examples of properly structured CSVs:

Header row + first name + email

Name, Email
Rhonda, [email protected] 
Peter, [email protected]
Rachel, [email protected]

Header row + first name + cell number

First Name, Cell
Rhonda, +14037735566 
Peter, +14037732112
Rachel, +14037739980

Header row + first name + email + cell number

Name_First, Email_Address, Cell_Phone
Rhonda, [email protected], +14037735566
Peter, [email protected], +14037732112
Rachel, [email protected], +14037739980

In the above examples, note how the Header Row can include whatever labels you want.  Also note how there are no blank fields (every field contains data) and the cell numbers are in International Format (country code, area code, phone number with no spaces in between such as +12504833823)

Common errors

Missing header row: The following example wouldn't work because the Header Row is missing

Rhonda, [email protected], +14537893444  
David, [email protected], +14539923455

Blank field present: This CSV wouldn't work because the "Email" field for Rhonda is blank

Name, Email, Cell
Rhonda, , +14537893444 
David, [email protected], +14539923455

Incorrect phone number formatting: This CSV wouldn't work because the phone numbers are not in International Format (country code, area code, phone number, and no spaces in between).

Name, Email, Cell
Rhonda, [email protected], 403-773-5566
Peter, [email protected], 403-773-2112

Blank line: This one wouldn't work either because of a blank line at the end of the CSV. Some software will insert a blank line at the end of your CSV. Please ensure to remove this blank line if that's the case.

Name, Email, Cell
Rhonda, [email protected], +14037735566 
Peter, [email protected], +14037732112

"My CSV has a bunch of other data"

No problem. In some cases, it's unavoidable for your CSV to contain other data like "Client ID Number" or "Last Visit Date" etc. That's totally fine. Starloop just needs a first name, an email address and/or cell number. Any other data in your CSV will be ignored.

Trouble Shooting

If the CSV being uploaded isn't working, please double-check

  • A Header Row is present 
  • There are no blank fields in your CSV file (all fields must contain relevant data)
  • Every entry contains a First Name 
  • Every entry contains an Email and/or Cell number
  • All cell numbers are formatted using International Standard like this: +14537893444 (+ sign,country code, area code, phone number, no spaces, no dashes etc.)
  • Your file doesn't have a blank line at the end of the CSV file

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